Lesson Two: Seers

Lesson Two: Seers

I’m afraid I wear my influences on my sleeve.

Hey guess what? Battlepug Volume II: This Savage Bone is coming out a week early! That’s right. Patrick the trusty Dark Horse editor informed me that the book should be in stores on Wednesday! Go out and buy a copy for your whole family! I got pugs to feed!

And speaking of doing things for me. Battlepug is nominated for a Harvey Award again this year. If you’re a professional, you are eligible to vote. I’d certainly appreciate it. Just click this link to do so!

Now that I’m done begging for favors, BP colormeister, Allen Passalaqua thought you might want an image of today’s strip sans lettering. It’s not quite the aspect ratio for desktop backgrounds, but here it is for your enjoyment. Thanks so much for reading, everybody!

